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Lukuhaaste: Popsugar 2023
Lukuhaaste: Popsugar 2023
- A book you meant to read in 2022
- A book you bought from an independent bookstore
- A book about a holiday
- A book by a first-time author
- A book with mythical creatures
- A book about a forbidden romance
- A book with "Girl" in the title
- A celebrity memoir
- A book with a colour in the title
- A romance with a fat lead
- A book about or set in Hollywood
- A book published in spring 2023
- A book published the year you were born
- A modern retelling of a classic
- A book with a song lyric as its title
- A book where the main character's name is in the title
- A book with a love triangle
- A book that's been banned or challenged in 2022
- A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge
- A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
- A book set in the decade you were born
- A book with a queer lead
- A book with a map
- A book with a rabbit on the cover
- A book with just text on the cover
- The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list
- A #BookTok recommendation
- A book you bought secondhand
- A book your friend recommended
- A book that's on a celebrity book-club list
- A book about a family
- A book that comes out in the second half of 2023
- A book about an athlete/sport
- A historical-fiction book
- A book about divorce
- A book you think your best friend would like
- A book you should have read in school
- A book you read more than 10 years ago
- A book you wish you could read for the first time again
- A book by an author with the same initials as you
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
50. A book with alliteration in the title
Muokannut 13.12.2022 20:54 HourglassEyes
Aika tylsää, kun listassa on paljon kohtia mitä on ollut aiemminkin ja useat vielä sellaisia, mitkä on aika hankalia kuten
A book published the year you were born
A book with just text on the cover
A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
A book about an athlete/sport
Aika mielikuvituksetonta sekin, kun listassa on keskenään samantapaisia kohtia kuten
A book you bought from an independent bookstore
A book you bought secondhand
A book about a vacation
A book about holiday that's not Christmas
Itselläni lista tuntuu olevan tosi haastava muutenkin esim. kohdat
A romance with a fat lead
A book about divorce
on ihan no, no. Katsotaan, jos löytyy joku lyhyt novelli ainakin noihin kohtiin.
Goodreadsin lista näyttää jälleen kerran paremmalta ja helpommalta. Saa nähdä, mitä Helmet haaste tuo tullessaan.
A book published the year you were born
A book with just text on the cover
A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
A book about an athlete/sport
Aika mielikuvituksetonta sekin, kun listassa on keskenään samantapaisia kohtia kuten
A book you bought from an independent bookstore
A book you bought secondhand
A book about a vacation
A book about holiday that's not Christmas
Itselläni lista tuntuu olevan tosi haastava muutenkin esim. kohdat
A romance with a fat lead
A book about divorce
on ihan no, no. Katsotaan, jos löytyy joku lyhyt novelli ainakin noihin kohtiin.
Goodreadsin lista näyttää jälleen kerran paremmalta ja helpommalta. Saa nähdä, mitä Helmet haaste tuo tullessaan.
Vähän nihkeästi lähti mullakin suunnitelmat liikkeelle sekä tähän että Goodreadsiin. Samaa mieltä olen kyllä, että GR vaikuttaa paremmalta. Eniten Popsugarissa tökkii vastaan NaNoWriMo, omakustanne ja fanifiktio -kohdat. Katselin listauksia, joita osallistujat olivat GR:n kooneet eikä valikoimassa ollut hurraamista. Lisäksi kohdat 10 ja 17 liittyvät romantiikkaan, mikä on inhokkigenreni. 29 ja 36 taas vaatisivat ystävän osallistumista/olemassaoloa, joten niiden kanssa pitää ruveta kikkailemaan jotenkin. Ja kohta 40 TAAS kerran ...
. Kun sukunimi alkaa Ä:llä, vaihtoehtoja on minimaallisen vähän.
Tässä näitä haasteita tutkiessani jäin siihen käsitykseen, että nuo ostamista vaativat kohdat olivat eri haasteissa ja ajattelin jo, että ne voisi kenties yhdistää hankkimalla jotain antikvariaatista. No ei sitten. Pöh. Ja mikä järki oli laittaa kaksi holiday-kohtaa samaan haasteeseen?! Tuntuu vähän siltä, että tämä on surkein lukuhaaste ikinä. Toivottavasti mieli muuttuu ajan myötä. Ja että Helmet on parempi.Eija post=66335Aika mielikuvituksetonta sekin, kun listassa on keskenään samantapaisia kohtia kuten
A book you bought from an independent bookstore
A book you bought secondhand
A book about a vacation
A book about holiday that's not Christmas
Muokannut 14.12.2022 22:29 Pisania
Lukuhaaste: Popsugar 2023
Samoilla ajatusmaailmoilla liikkeellä. Popsugar todellakin näyttää poikkeuksellisen inhalta ensi vuodelle
A romance with a fat lead kuulostaa hyvin solvaavalta omiin korviin.
A book with just text on the cover uh, näitä on aina tuskallista löytää
A book about divorce ei nyt ihan hirvittävästi innosta haastekohtana, mutta ehkä tähän löytyisi vahingossa joku kevyempi versio
Ja melkein koko Advanced listaus kuulostaa...huoh.
Goodreads vaikuttaa hieman paremmalta, mutta ei sekään nyt mitään riemunkiljahduksia aiheuttanut. Toivo jää siis todellakin Helmetin varaan. Sitä odotellessa...
A romance with a fat lead kuulostaa hyvin solvaavalta omiin korviin.
A book with just text on the cover uh, näitä on aina tuskallista löytää
A book about divorce ei nyt ihan hirvittävästi innosta haastekohtana, mutta ehkä tähän löytyisi vahingossa joku kevyempi versio
Ja melkein koko Advanced listaus kuulostaa...huoh.
Goodreads vaikuttaa hieman paremmalta, mutta ei sekään nyt mitään riemunkiljahduksia aiheuttanut. Toivo jää siis todellakin Helmetin varaan. Sitä odotellessa...
Lukuhaaste: Popsugar 2023
3. A book about a holiday Kristin Emilsson: Joulu Julian tyyliin
- Julia inhoaa joulua ja päättää lähteä pyhien ajaksi vain ottamaan rennosti Gotlantiin sen sijaan, että joutuisi viettämään kammoamansa joulunajan Tukholmassa perinteisessä perhejoulussa.
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
50. A book with alliteration in the title
- Julia inhoaa joulua ja päättää lähteä pyhien ajaksi vain ottamaan rennosti Gotlantiin sen sijaan, että joutuisi viettämään kammoamansa joulunajan Tukholmassa perinteisessä perhejoulussa.
Varoitus: Spoiler.
- A book you meant to read in 2022
- A book you bought from an independent bookstore
- A book about a holiday Kristin Emilsson: Joulu Julian tyyliin
- A book by a first-time author
- A book with mythical creatures
- A book about a forbidden romance
- A book with "Girl" in the title
- A celebrity memoir
- A book with a colour in the title
- A romance with a fat lead
- A book about or set in Hollywood
- A book published in spring 2023
- A book published the year you were born
- A modern retelling of a classic
- A book with a song lyric as its title
- A book where the main character's name is in the title
- A book with a love triangle
- A book that's been banned or challenged in 2022
- A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge
- A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
- A book set in the decade you were born
- A book with a queer lead
- A book with a map
- A book with a rabbit on the cover
- A book with just text on the cover
- The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list
- A #BookTok recommendation
- A book you bought secondhand
- A book your friend recommended
- A book that's on a celebrity book-club list
- A book about a family
- A book that comes out in the second half of 2023
- A book about an athlete/sport
- A historical-fiction book
- A book about divorce
- A book you think your best friend would like
- A book you should have read in school
- A book you read more than 10 years ago
- A book you wish you could read for the first time again
- A book by an author with the same initials as you
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
50. A book with alliteration in the title
7. A book with "Girl" in the title -
Riley Sager: Eloonjääneet tytöt
Sekä alkuperäisessä nimessä ”Final Girls”, että suomennoksessa, on sana tyttö.
Sekä alkuperäisessä nimessä ”Final Girls”, että suomennoksessa, on sana tyttö.
Varoitus: Spoiler.
- A book you meant to read in 2022
- A book you bought from an independent bookstore
- A book about a vacation
- A book by a first-time author
- A book with mythical creatures
- A book about a forbidden romance
- A book with "Girl" in the title
Riley Sager: Eloonjääneet tytötSekä alkuperäisessä nimessä ”Final Girls”, että suomennoksessa, on sana tyttö.
- A celebrity memoir
- A book with a colour in the title
- A romance with a fat lead
- A book about or set in Hollywood
- A book published in spring 2023
- A book published the year you were born
- A modern retelling of a classic
- A book with a song lyric as its title
- A book where the main character's name is in the title
- A book with a love triangle
- A book that's been banned or challenged in 2022
- A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge
- A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
- A book set in the decade you were born
- A book with a queer lead
- A book with a map
- A book with a rabbit on the cover
- A book with just text on the cover
- The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list
- A #BookTok recommendation
- A book you bought secondhand
- A book your friend recommended
- A book that's on a celebrity book-club list
- A book about a family
- A book that comes out in the second half of 2023
- A book about an athlete/sport
- A historical-fiction book
- A book about divorce
- A book you think your best friend would like
- A book you should have read in school
- A book you read more than 10 years ago
- A book you wish you could read for the first time again
- A book by an author with the same initials as you
- A book written during NaNoWriMo
- A book based on a popular movie
- A book that takes place entirely in one day
- A book that was self-published
- A book that started out as fan fiction
- A book with a pet character
- A book about holiday that's not Christmas
- A book that features two languages
- The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
- A book with alliteration in the title
Muokannut 03.01.2023 16:39 Eija
Lukuhaaste: Popsugar 2023
21 A book set in the decade you were born Richard Coles: Murha ennen iltahartautta (Kirkkoherra Clementin tutkimuksia)
- Tämä murhamysteeri sijoittuu vuoteen 1988 ja minähän olen kasarikakara.
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
50. A book with alliteration in the title
- Tämä murhamysteeri sijoittuu vuoteen 1988 ja minähän olen kasarikakara.
Varoitus: Spoiler.
- A book you meant to read in 2022
- A book you bought from an independent bookstore
- A book about a holiday Kristin Emilsson: Joulu Julian tyyliin
- A book by a first-time author
- A book with mythical creatures
- A book about a forbidden romance
- A book with "Girl" in the title
- A celebrity memoir
- A book with a colour in the title
- A romance with a fat lead
- A book about or set in Hollywood
- A book published in spring 2023
- A book published the year you were born
- A modern retelling of a classic
- A book with a song lyric as its title
- A book where the main character's name is in the title
- A book with a love triangle
- A book that's been banned or challenged in 2022
- A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge
- A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
- A book set in the decade you were born Richard Coles: Murha ennen iltahartautta (Kirkkoherra Clementin tutkimuksia)
- A book with a queer lead
- A book with a map
- A book with a rabbit on the cover
- A book with just text on the cover
- The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list
- A #BookTok recommendation
- A book you bought secondhand
- A book your friend recommended
- A book that's on a celebrity book-club list
- A book about a family
- A book that comes out in the second half of 2023
- A book about an athlete/sport
- A historical-fiction book
- A book about divorce
- A book you think your best friend would like
- A book you should have read in school
- A book you read more than 10 years ago
- A book you wish you could read for the first time again
- A book by an author with the same initials as you
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
50. A book with alliteration in the title
Lukuhaaste: Popsugar 2023
Adv. 44. A book that was self-published Agnés Martin-Lugard: Onnelliset ihmiset lukevat ja juovat kahvia
- Kirjailija on alunperin julkaissut kirjan omakustanteena, joka kirjablogistien kautta päätyi julkaistavaksi ranskalaiselle kustantajalle. Tämän lukaisi muutamassa tunnissa lävitse.
26. The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list Salla Simukka: Tästä kaikki alkaa
- Tällä oletettavasti lyhyin kirja lukupinossani. Sivumäärä 167
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published Agnés Martin-Lugard: Onnelliset ihmiset lukevat ja juovat kahvia
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
50. A book with alliteration in the title
- Kirjailija on alunperin julkaissut kirjan omakustanteena, joka kirjablogistien kautta päätyi julkaistavaksi ranskalaiselle kustantajalle. Tämän lukaisi muutamassa tunnissa lävitse.
26. The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list Salla Simukka: Tästä kaikki alkaa
- Tällä oletettavasti lyhyin kirja lukupinossani. Sivumäärä 167
Varoitus: Spoiler.
- A book you meant to read in 2022
- A book you bought from an independent bookstore
- A book about a holiday Kristin Emilsson: Joulu Julian tyyliin
- A book by a first-time author
- A book with mythical creatures
- A book about a forbidden romance
- A book with "Girl" in the title
- A celebrity memoir
- A book with a colour in the title
- A romance with a fat lead
- A book about or set in Hollywood
- A book published in spring 2023
- A book published the year you were born
- A modern retelling of a classic
- A book with a song lyric as its title
- A book where the main character's name is in the title
- A book with a love triangle
- A book that's been banned or challenged in 2022
- A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge
- A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
- A book set in the decade you were born Richard Coles: Murha ennen iltahartautta (Kirkkoherra Clementin tutkimuksia)
- A book with a queer lead
- A book with a map
- A book with a rabbit on the cover
- A book with just text on the cover
- The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list Salla Simukka: Tästä kaikki alkaa
- A #BookTok recommendation
- A book you bought secondhand
- A book your friend recommended
- A book that's on a celebrity book-club list
- A book about a family
- A book that comes out in the second half of 2023
- A book about an athlete/sport
- A historical-fiction book
- A book about divorce
- A book you think your best friend would like
- A book you should have read in school
- A book you read more than 10 years ago
- A book you wish you could read for the first time again
- A book by an author with the same initials as you
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published Agnés Martin-Lugard: Onnelliset ihmiset lukevat ja juovat kahvia
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
50. A book with alliteration in the title
Muokannut 04.01.2023 18:24 HourglassEyes
19. A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge Rob Wilkins: Terry Pratchett – A life with footnotes
Tämä sopii hyvin parin vuoden takaiseen kohtaan A book about a subject you are passionate about, koska Pratchett on kaikkien aikojen lempikirjalijani. Oli hyvin kiinnostavaa lukea hänen elämästään, josta en kauheasti tiennyt ennestään. Teksti on tyylillisesti myös hieman pratchettmaista, mutta ihmekös tuo kun Wilkins kerran työskenteli TP:n assarina 15 vuotta. Kiinnostava, hauska ja tunteitaherättävä opus.
Tämä sopii hyvin parin vuoden takaiseen kohtaan A book about a subject you are passionate about, koska Pratchett on kaikkien aikojen lempikirjalijani. Oli hyvin kiinnostavaa lukea hänen elämästään, josta en kauheasti tiennyt ennestään. Teksti on tyylillisesti myös hieman pratchettmaista, mutta ihmekös tuo kun Wilkins kerran työskenteli TP:n assarina 15 vuotta. Kiinnostava, hauska ja tunteitaherättävä opus.
5. A book with mythical creatures -
Karoliina Heinola: Hitonhauta ja muita puolielävien kohtaloita
Tarinoissa on suomalaisesta kansanperinteestä kotoisin olevaa uskomusta vainajista, jotka pääsevät palaamaan eri keinoin takaisin elämään. Kalman väki lienee lähtökohtana tarinoiden Puolieläville. Hitonhauta niminen paikka on myös olemassa Keski-Suomessa. Kokoelman tarinoilla on yhtenäinen linja samaan mytologiaan. Tarinat vetivät hyvin puoleensa. 4
1. A book you meant to read in 2022
2. A book you bought from an independent bookstore
3. A book about a vacation
4. A book by a first-time author
5. A book with mythical creatures
6. A book about a forbidden romance
7. A book with "Girl" in the title
8. A celebrity memoir
9. A book with a colour in the title
10. A romance with a fat lead
11. A book about or set in Hollywood
12. A book published in spring 2023
13. A book published the year you were born
14. A modern retelling of a classic
15. A book with a song lyric as its title
16. A book where the main character's name is in the title
17. A book with a love triangle
18. A book that's been banned or challenged in 2022
19. A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge
20. A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
21. A book set in the decade you were born
22. A book with a queer lead
23. A book with a map
24. A book with a rabbit on the cover
25. A book with just text on the cover
26. The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list
27. A #BookTok recommendation
28. A book you bought secondhand
29. A book your friend recommended
30. A book that's on a celebrity book-club list
31. A book about a family
31. A book that comes out in the second half of 2023
33. A book about an athlete/sport
34. A historical-fiction book
35. A book about divorce
36. A book you think your best friend would like
37. A book you should have read in school
38. A book you read more than 10 years ago
39. A book you wish you could read for the first time again
40. A book by an author with the same initials as you
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
50. A book with alliteration in the title
Tarinoissa on suomalaisesta kansanperinteestä kotoisin olevaa uskomusta vainajista, jotka pääsevät palaamaan eri keinoin takaisin elämään. Kalman väki lienee lähtökohtana tarinoiden Puolieläville. Hitonhauta niminen paikka on myös olemassa Keski-Suomessa. Kokoelman tarinoilla on yhtenäinen linja samaan mytologiaan. Tarinat vetivät hyvin puoleensa. 4
Varoitus: Spoiler.
1. A book you meant to read in 2022
2. A book you bought from an independent bookstore
3. A book about a vacation
4. A book by a first-time author
5. A book with mythical creatures
Karoliina Heinola: Hitonhauta ja muita puolielävien kohtaloita
Tarinoissa on suomalaisesta kansanperinteestä kotoisin olevaa uskomusta vainajista, jotka pääsevät palaamaan eri keinoin takaisin elämään. Kalman väki lienee lähtökohtana tarinoiden Puolieläville. Hitonhauta niminen paikka on myös olemassa Keski-Suomessa. Kokoelman tarinoilla on yhtenäinen linja samaan mytologiaan. Tarinat vetivät hyvin puoleensa. 4
7. A book with "Girl" in the title
Riley Sager: Eloonjääneet tytöt
Sekä alkuperäisessä nimessä ”Final Girls”, että suomennoksessa, on sana tyttö.
9. A book with a colour in the title
10. A romance with a fat lead
11. A book about or set in Hollywood
12. A book published in spring 2023
13. A book published the year you were born
14. A modern retelling of a classic
15. A book with a song lyric as its title
16. A book where the main character's name is in the title
17. A book with a love triangle
18. A book that's been banned or challenged in 2022
19. A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge
20. A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
21. A book set in the decade you were born
22. A book with a queer lead
23. A book with a map
24. A book with a rabbit on the cover
25. A book with just text on the cover
26. The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list
27. A #BookTok recommendation
28. A book you bought secondhand
29. A book your friend recommended
30. A book that's on a celebrity book-club list
31. A book about a family
31. A book that comes out in the second half of 2023
33. A book about an athlete/sport
34. A historical-fiction book
35. A book about divorce
36. A book you think your best friend would like
37. A book you should have read in school
38. A book you read more than 10 years ago
39. A book you wish you could read for the first time again
40. A book by an author with the same initials as you
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
50. A book with alliteration in the title
Muokannut 07.01.2023 11:37 Eija
6. A book about a forbidden romance -
Naomi Novik: Uprooted
Kaiken loitsimisen ja sodankäynnin ohella tarinassa on myös romanssi noin parin sadan vuoden ikäisen velhon ja 17-vuotiaan maalaistytön välillä. Velho toki ei näytä 100-vuotiaalta vaan jotain parikymppiseltä. Kielletyksi romanssin enemminkin tekee asetelma – pelätyn velhon asema kyläyhteisön näkökulmasta ja 10 vuoden välein tehty valinta nuoresta tytöstä palvelijakseen.
Minulle kirjassa oli liikaa loitsimista ja ”messuamista” ja pitkällisiä taisteluja joko turmellusta aiheuttavan metsän tai muiden vihollisten kanssa. 3-
1. A book you meant to read in 2022
2. A book you bought from an independent bookstore
3. A book about a vacation
4. A book by a first-time author
5. A book with mythical creatures
6. A book about a forbidden romance
7. A book with "Girl" in the title
8. A celebrity memoir
9. A book with a colour in the title
10. A romance with a fat lead
11. A book about or set in Hollywood
12. A book published in spring 2023
13. A book published the year you were born
14. A modern retelling of a classic
15. A book with a song lyric as its title
16. A book where the main character's name is in the title
17. A book with a love triangle
18. A book that's been banned or challenged in 2022
19. A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge
20. A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
21. A book set in the decade you were born
22. A book with a queer lead
23. A book with a map
24. A book with a rabbit on the cover
25. A book with just text on the cover
26. The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list
27. A #BookTok recommendation
28. A book you bought secondhand
29. A book your friend recommended
30. A book that's on a celebrity book-club list
31. A book about a family
31. A book that comes out in the second half of 2023
33. A book about an athlete/sport
34. A historical-fiction book
35. A book about divorce
36. A book you think your best friend would like
37. A book you should have read in school
38. A book you read more than 10 years ago
39. A book you wish you could read for the first time again
40. A book by an author with the same initials as you
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
50. A book with alliteration in the title
Kaiken loitsimisen ja sodankäynnin ohella tarinassa on myös romanssi noin parin sadan vuoden ikäisen velhon ja 17-vuotiaan maalaistytön välillä. Velho toki ei näytä 100-vuotiaalta vaan jotain parikymppiseltä. Kielletyksi romanssin enemminkin tekee asetelma – pelätyn velhon asema kyläyhteisön näkökulmasta ja 10 vuoden välein tehty valinta nuoresta tytöstä palvelijakseen.
Minulle kirjassa oli liikaa loitsimista ja ”messuamista” ja pitkällisiä taisteluja joko turmellusta aiheuttavan metsän tai muiden vihollisten kanssa. 3-
Varoitus: Spoiler.
1. A book you meant to read in 2022
2. A book you bought from an independent bookstore
3. A book about a vacation
4. A book by a first-time author
5. A book with mythical creatures
Karoliina Heinola: Hitonhauta ja muita puolielävien kohtaloita
Tarinoissa on suomalaisesta kansanperinteestä kotoisin olevaa uskomusta vainajista, jotka pääsevät palaamaan eri keinoin takaisin elämään. Kalman väki lienee lähtökohtana tarinoiden Puolieläville. Hitonhauta niminen paikka on myös olemassa Keski-Suomessa. Kokoelman tarinoilla on yhtenäinen linja samaan mytologiaan. Tarinat vetivät hyvin puoleensa. 4
Naomi Novik: Uprooted
Kaiken loitsimisen ja sodankäynnin ohella tarinassa on myös romanssi noin parin sadan vuoden ikäisen velhon ja 17-vuotiaan maalaistytön välillä. Velho toki ei näytä 100-vuotiaalta vaan jotain parikymppiseltä. Kielletyksi romanssin enemminkin tekee asetelma – pelätyn velhon asema kyläyhteisön näkökulmasta ja 10 vuoden välein tehty valinta nuoresta tytöstä palvelijakseen.
Minulle kirjassa oli liikaa loitsimista ja ”messuamista” ja pitkällisiä taisteluja joko turmellusta aiheuttavan metsän tai muiden vihollisten kanssa. 3-
Minulle kirjassa oli liikaa loitsimista ja ”messuamista” ja pitkällisiä taisteluja joko turmellusta aiheuttavan metsän tai muiden vihollisten kanssa. 3-
Riley Sager: Eloonjääneet tytöt
Sekä alkuperäisessä nimessä ”Final Girls”, että suomennoksessa, on sana tyttö.
9. A book with a colour in the title
10. A romance with a fat lead
11. A book about or set in Hollywood
12. A book published in spring 2023
13. A book published the year you were born
14. A modern retelling of a classic
15. A book with a song lyric as its title
16. A book where the main character's name is in the title
17. A book with a love triangle
18. A book that's been banned or challenged in 2022
19. A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge
20. A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
21. A book set in the decade you were born
22. A book with a queer lead
23. A book with a map
24. A book with a rabbit on the cover
25. A book with just text on the cover
26. The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list
27. A #BookTok recommendation
28. A book you bought secondhand
29. A book your friend recommended
30. A book that's on a celebrity book-club list
31. A book about a family
31. A book that comes out in the second half of 2023
33. A book about an athlete/sport
34. A historical-fiction book
35. A book about divorce
36. A book you think your best friend would like
37. A book you should have read in school
38. A book you read more than 10 years ago
39. A book you wish you could read for the first time again
40. A book by an author with the same initials as you
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
50. A book with alliteration in the title
Lukuhaaste: Popsugar 2023
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list C.J. Sansom: Kerettiläinen (Shardlake #6)
- Sansomin kirjat tuntuvat paksunevan eteenpäin mennessään, tällä oli loppusanoineen pituutta 782 sivun verran
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published Agnés Martin-Lugard: Onnelliset ihmiset lukevat ja juovat kahvia
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list C.J. Sansom: Kerettiläinen (Shardlake #6)
50. A book with alliteration in the title
- Sansomin kirjat tuntuvat paksunevan eteenpäin mennessään, tällä oli loppusanoineen pituutta 782 sivun verran
Varoitus: Spoiler.
- A book you meant to read in 2022
- A book you bought from an independent bookstore
- A book about a holiday Kristin Emilsson: Joulu Julian tyyliin
- A book by a first-time author
- A book with mythical creatures
- A book about a forbidden romance
- A book with "Girl" in the title
- A celebrity memoir
- A book with a colour in the title
- A romance with a fat lead
- A book about or set in Hollywood
- A book published in spring 2023
- A book published the year you were born
- A modern retelling of a classic
- A book with a song lyric as its title
- A book where the main character's name is in the title
- A book with a love triangle
- A book that's been banned or challenged in 2022
- A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge
- A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
- A book set in the decade you were born Richard Coles: Murha ennen iltahartautta (Kirkkoherra Clementin tutkimuksia)
- A book with a queer lead
- A book with a map
- A book with a rabbit on the cover
- A book with just text on the cover
- The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list Salla Simukka: Tästä kaikki alkaa
- A #BookTok recommendation
- A book you bought secondhand
- A book your friend recommended
- A book that's on a celebrity book-club list
- A book about a family
- A book that comes out in the second half of 2023
- A book about an athlete/sport
- A historical-fiction book
- A book about divorce
- A book you think your best friend would like
- A book you should have read in school
- A book you read more than 10 years ago
- A book you wish you could read for the first time again
- A book by an author with the same initials as you
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published Agnés Martin-Lugard: Onnelliset ihmiset lukevat ja juovat kahvia
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list C.J. Sansom: Kerettiläinen (Shardlake #6)
50. A book with alliteration in the title
42. A book based on a popular movie -
Steven Spielberg: Kolmannen asteen yhteys
Alkukielinen kirja on julkaistu Steven Spielbergin nimellä samana vuonna kuin elokuvakin, vuonna 1977.
1. A book you meant to read in 2022
2. A book you bought from an independent bookstore
3. A book about a vacation
4. A book by a first-time author
5. A book with mythical creatures
6. A book about a forbidden romance
7. A book with "Girl" in the title
8. A celebrity memoir
9. A book with a colour in the title
10. A romance with a fat lead
11. A book about or set in Hollywood
12. A book published in spring 2023
13. A book published the year you were born
14. A modern retelling of a classic
15. A book with a song lyric as its title
16. A book where the main character's name is in the title
17. A book with a love triangle
18. A book that's been banned or challenged in 2022
19. A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge
20. A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
21. A book set in the decade you were born
22. A book with a queer lead
23. A book with a map
24. A book with a rabbit on the cover
25. A book with just text on the cover
26. The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list
27. A #BookTok recommendation
28. A book you bought secondhand
29. A book your friend recommended
30. A book that's on a celebrity book-club list
31. A book about a family
31. A book that comes out in the second half of 2023
33. A book about an athlete/sport
34. A historical-fiction book
35. A book about divorce
36. A book you think your best friend would like
37. A book you should have read in school
38. A book you read more than 10 years ago
39. A book you wish you could read for the first time again
40. A book by an author with the same initials as you
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
50. A book with alliteration in the title
Alkukielinen kirja on julkaistu Steven Spielbergin nimellä samana vuonna kuin elokuvakin, vuonna 1977.
Varoitus: Spoiler.
1. A book you meant to read in 2022
2. A book you bought from an independent bookstore
3. A book about a vacation
4. A book by a first-time author
5. A book with mythical creatures
Karoliina Heinola: Hitonhauta ja muita puolielävien kohtaloita
Tarinoissa on suomalaisesta kansanperinteestä kotoisin olevaa uskomusta vainajista, jotka pääsevät palaamaan eri keinoin takaisin elämään. Kalman väki lienee lähtökohtana tarinoiden Puolieläville. Hitonhauta niminen paikka on myös olemassa Keski-Suomessa. Kokoelman tarinoilla on yhtenäinen linja samaan mytologiaan. Tarinat vetivät hyvin puoleensa. 4
Naomi Novik: Uprooted
Kaiken loitsimisen ja sodankäynnin ohella tarinassa on myös romanssi noin parin sadan vuoden ikäisen velhon ja 17-vuotiaan maalaistytön välillä. Velho toki ei näytä 100-vuotiaalta vaan jotain parikymppiseltä. Kielletyksi romanssin enemminkin tekee asetelma – pelätyn velhon asema kyläyhteisön näkökulmasta ja 10 vuoden välein tehty valinta nuoresta tytöstä palvelijakseen.
Minulle kirjassa oli liikaa loitsimista ja ”messuamista” ja pitkällisiä taisteluja joko turmellusta aiheuttavan metsän tai muiden vihollisten kanssa. 3-
Minulle kirjassa oli liikaa loitsimista ja ”messuamista” ja pitkällisiä taisteluja joko turmellusta aiheuttavan metsän tai muiden vihollisten kanssa. 3-
Riley Sager: Eloonjääneet tytöt
Sekä alkuperäisessä nimessä ”Final Girls”, että suomennoksessa, on sana tyttö.
9. A book with a colour in the title
10. A romance with a fat lead
11. A book about or set in Hollywood
12. A book published in spring 2023
13. A book published the year you were born
14. A modern retelling of a classic
15. A book with a song lyric as its title
16. A book where the main character's name is in the title
17. A book with a love triangle
18. A book that's been banned or challenged in 2022
19. A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge
20. A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
21. A book set in the decade you were born
22. A book with a queer lead
23. A book with a map
24. A book with a rabbit on the cover
25. A book with just text on the cover
26. The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list
27. A #BookTok recommendation
28. A book you bought secondhand
29. A book your friend recommended
30. A book that's on a celebrity book-club list
31. A book about a family
31. A book that comes out in the second half of 2023
33. A book about an athlete/sport
34. A historical-fiction book
35. A book about divorce
36. A book you think your best friend would like
37. A book you should have read in school
38. A book you read more than 10 years ago
39. A book you wish you could read for the first time again
40. A book by an author with the same initials as you
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
Steven Spielberg: Kolmannen asteen yhteys
Alkukielinen kirja on julkaistu Steven Spielbergin nimellä samana vuonna kuin elokuvakin, vuonna 1977.
44. A book that was self-published
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
50. A book with alliteration in the title
Muokannut 12.01.2023 18:17 Eija
Lukuhaaste: Popsugar 2023
1. A book you meant to read in 2022 Bonnie Garmus: Kaikki on kemiaa
- Tämä ja monta muuta piti lukea viime vuonna...
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published Agnés Martin-Lugard: Onnelliset ihmiset lukevat ja juovat kahvia
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list C.J. Sansom: Kerettiläinen (Shardlake #6)
50. A book with alliteration in the title
- Tämä ja monta muuta piti lukea viime vuonna...
Varoitus: Spoiler.
- A book you meant to read in 2022 Bonnie Garmus: Kaikki on kemiaa
- A book you bought from an independent bookstore
- A book about a holiday Kristin Emilsson: Joulu Julian tyyliin
- A book by a first-time author
- A book with mythical creatures
- A book about a forbidden romance
- A book with "Girl" in the title
- A celebrity memoir
- A book with a colour in the title
- A romance with a fat lead
- A book about or set in Hollywood
- A book published in spring 2023
- A book published the year you were born
- A modern retelling of a classic
- A book with a song lyric as its title
- A book where the main character's name is in the title
- A book with a love triangle
- A book that's been banned or challenged in 2022
- A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge
- A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
- A book set in the decade you were born Richard Coles: Murha ennen iltahartautta (Kirkkoherra Clementin tutkimuksia)
- A book with a queer lead
- A book with a map
- A book with a rabbit on the cover
- A book with just text on the cover
- The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list Salla Simukka: Tästä kaikki alkaa
- A #BookTok recommendation
- A book you bought secondhand
- A book your friend recommended
- A book that's on a celebrity book-club list
- A book about a family
- A book that comes out in the second half of 2023
- A book about an athlete/sport
- A historical-fiction book
- A book about divorce
- A book you think your best friend would like
- A book you should have read in school
- A book you read more than 10 years ago
- A book you wish you could read for the first time again
- A book by an author with the same initials as you
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published Agnés Martin-Lugard: Onnelliset ihmiset lukevat ja juovat kahvia
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list C.J. Sansom: Kerettiläinen (Shardlake #6)
50. A book with alliteration in the title
22. A book with a queer lead -
Emily St. John Mandel: Asema 11
Kirjassa on useampi samanarvoinen päähenkilö, joiden erilliset elämät linkittyvät keskenään tai sivuuttavat toisiaan. Yksi päähenkilöistä on Clark Thompson niminen homo.
1. A book you meant to read in 2022
2. A book you bought from an independent bookstore
3. A book about a vacation
4. A book by a first-time author
5. A book with mythical creatures
6. A book about a forbidden romance
7. A book with "Girl" in the title
8. A celebrity memoir
9. A book with a colour in the title
10. A romance with a fat lead
11. A book about or set in Hollywood
12. A book published in spring 2023
13. A book published the year you were born
14. A modern retelling of a classic
15. A book with a song lyric as its title
16. A book where the main character's name is in the title
17. A book with a love triangle
18. A book that's been banned or challenged in 2022
19. A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge
20. A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
21. A book set in the decade you were born
22. A book with a queer lead
23. A book with a map
24. A book with a rabbit on the cover
25. A book with just text on the cover
26. The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list
27. A #BookTok recommendation
28. A book you bought secondhand
29. A book your friend recommended
30. A book that's on a celebrity book-club list
31. A book about a family
31. A book that comes out in the second half of 2023
33. A book about an athlete/sport
34. A historical-fiction book
35. A book about divorce
36. A book you think your best friend would like
37. A book you should have read in school
38. A book you read more than 10 years ago
39. A book you wish you could read for the first time again
40. A book by an author with the same initials as you
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
43. A book that takes place entirely in one day
44. A book that was self-published
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
50. A book with alliteration in the title
Kirjassa on useampi samanarvoinen päähenkilö, joiden erilliset elämät linkittyvät keskenään tai sivuuttavat toisiaan. Yksi päähenkilöistä on Clark Thompson niminen homo.
Varoitus: Spoiler.
1. A book you meant to read in 2022
2. A book you bought from an independent bookstore
3. A book about a vacation
4. A book by a first-time author
5. A book with mythical creatures
Karoliina Heinola: Hitonhauta ja muita puolielävien kohtaloita
Tarinoissa on suomalaisesta kansanperinteestä kotoisin olevaa uskomusta vainajista, jotka pääsevät palaamaan eri keinoin takaisin elämään. Kalman väki lienee lähtökohtana tarinoiden Puolieläville. Hitonhauta niminen paikka on myös olemassa Keski-Suomessa. Kokoelman tarinoilla on yhtenäinen linja samaan mytologiaan. Tarinat vetivät hyvin puoleensa. 4
Naomi Novik: Uprooted
Kaiken loitsimisen ja sodankäynnin ohella tarinassa on myös romanssi noin parin sadan vuoden ikäisen velhon ja 17-vuotiaan maalaistytön välillä. Velho toki ei näytä 100-vuotiaalta vaan jotain parikymppiseltä. Kielletyksi romanssin enemminkin tekee asetelma – pelätyn velhon asema kyläyhteisön näkökulmasta ja 10 vuoden välein tehty valinta nuoresta tytöstä palvelijakseen.
Minulle kirjassa oli liikaa loitsimista ja ”messuamista” ja pitkällisiä taisteluja joko turmellusta aiheuttavan metsän tai muiden vihollisten kanssa. 3-
Minulle kirjassa oli liikaa loitsimista ja ”messuamista” ja pitkällisiä taisteluja joko turmellusta aiheuttavan metsän tai muiden vihollisten kanssa. 3-
Riley Sager: Eloonjääneet tytöt
Sekä alkuperäisessä nimessä ”Final Girls”, että suomennoksessa, on sana tyttö.
9. A book with a colour in the title
10. A romance with a fat lead
11. A book about or set in Hollywood
12. A book published in spring 2023
13. A book published the year you were born
14. A modern retelling of a classic
15. A book with a song lyric as its title
16. A book where the main character's name is in the title
17. A book with a love triangle
18. A book that's been banned or challenged in 2022
19. A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge
20. A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023
21. A book set in the decade you were born
22. A book with a queer lead
Emily St. John Mandel: Asema 11
Kirjassa on useampi samanarvoinen päähenkilö, joiden erilliset elämät linkittyvät keskenään tai sivuuttavat toisiaan. Yksi päähenkilöistä on Clark Thompson niminen homo.
24. A book with a rabbit on the cover
25. A book with just text on the cover
26. The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list
27. A #BookTok recommendation
28. A book you bought secondhand
29. A book your friend recommended
30. A book that's on a celebrity book-club list
31. A book about a family
31. A book that comes out in the second half of 2023
33. A book about an athlete/sport
34. A historical-fiction book
35. A book about divorce
36. A book you think your best friend would like
37. A book you should have read in school
38. A book you read more than 10 years ago
39. A book you wish you could read for the first time again
40. A book by an author with the same initials as you
41. A book written during NaNoWriMo
42. A book based on a popular movie
Steven Spielberg: Kolmannen asteen yhteys
Alkukielinen kirja on julkaistu Steven Spielbergin nimellä samana vuonna kuin elokuvakin, vuonna 1977.
44. A book that was self-published
45. A book that started out as fan fiction
46. A book with a pet character
47. A book about holiday that's not Christmas
48. A book that features two languages
49. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
50. A book with alliteration in the title
21. A book set in the decade you were born Tama Janowitz: New Yorkin orjat
Sijoittuu 80-luvulle New Yorkin pintaliitäjien ja muiden hiihtelijöiden keskuuteen. Tämä on novellikokoelma, mutta joissakin tarinoissa seurataan samoja hahmoja. Varsin tyhjänpäiväiseltä ja ontolta elämä vaikuttaa. Kiinnostavinta antia oli mielestäni 80-lukuinen suomennos ja sen aikaiset slangisanat ja kirjoitusasut. Pisti hymyilyttämään.
Sijoittuu 80-luvulle New Yorkin pintaliitäjien ja muiden hiihtelijöiden keskuuteen. Tämä on novellikokoelma, mutta joissakin tarinoissa seurataan samoja hahmoja. Varsin tyhjänpäiväiseltä ja ontolta elämä vaikuttaa. Kiinnostavinta antia oli mielestäni 80-lukuinen suomennos ja sen aikaiset slangisanat ja kirjoitusasut. Pisti hymyilyttämään.
27. A #BookTok recommendation S.T. Gibson: A dowry of blood
Koska en TikTokkia käytä, oli helpompaa googlettaa onko tätä kirjaa mahdollisesti käsitelty siellä. Olihan sitä ja useampaan otteeseen vielä. En tosin katsonut yhtään videota, joten en tiedä ovatko ne varsinaisesti suosittelevia. Goodreadsissa tällä on varsin korkea arvosana, joten epäilen arvostelujen videoilla olevan enimmäkseen positiivisia.
Koska en TikTokkia käytä, oli helpompaa googlettaa onko tätä kirjaa mahdollisesti käsitelty siellä. Olihan sitä ja useampaan otteeseen vielä. En tosin katsonut yhtään videota, joten en tiedä ovatko ne varsinaisesti suosittelevia. Goodreadsissa tällä on varsin korkea arvosana, joten epäilen arvostelujen videoilla olevan enimmäkseen positiivisia.
Muokannut 21.01.2023 22:22 Pisania