HourglassEyes | Lukupiiri | 59 viestiä | 20.11.2024
Viimeisin Freyja | klo 05:58
HourglassEyes | Lukupiiri | 63 viestiä | 18.12.2024
Viimeisin Freyja | klo 05:52
Lukuhaaste: Popsugar 2020
4. A book about a book club - Edith Wharton: Xingu
Xingu on novellin mittainen tarina seurapiiri rouvien ja neitien pitämästä lounas klubista, missä he keskustelevat uutuus kirjoista omasta mielestään sivistyneesti ja älykkäästi. Tarinassa klubiin on kutsuttu kirjailija vieras, jonka teoksesta heillä on määrä keskustella. Tarina on satiiri. Klubin jäsenet ovat huvittavia tärkeilyssään ja tiukkapipoisuudessaan. 3
Xingu on novellin mittainen tarina seurapiiri rouvien ja neitien pitämästä lounas klubista, missä he keskustelevat uutuus kirjoista omasta mielestään sivistyneesti ja älykkäästi. Tarinassa klubiin on kutsuttu kirjailija vieras, jonka teoksesta heillä on määrä keskustella. Tarina on satiiri. Klubin jäsenet ovat huvittavia tärkeilyssään ja tiukkapipoisuudessaan. 3
4. A book about a book club - [color=black]Edith Wharton: Xingu[/color]
[i]Xingu[/i] on novellin mittainen tarina seurapiiri rouvien ja neitien pitämästä lounas klubista, missä he keskustelevat uutuus kirjoista omasta mielestään sivistyneesti ja älykkäästi. Tarinassa klubiin on kutsuttu kirjailija vieras, jonka teoksesta heillä on määrä keskustella. Tarina on satiiri. Klubin jäsenet ovat huvittavia tärkeilyssään ja tiukkapipoisuudessaan. 3
Muokannut Eija (10.05.2020)
26. A book with a pun in the title - Poppy Z. Brite: Are You Loathsome Tonight?
Sanaleikki Elviksen biisitä Are you lonesome tonight
Samannimisessä novellissa Elvis on myös aiheena.
Sanaleikki Elviksen biisitä Are you lonesome tonight
Samannimisessä novellissa Elvis on myös aiheena.
26. A book with a pun in the title - [url=https://www.risingshadow.net/library/book/10785-are-you-loathsome-tonight]Poppy Z. Brite: Are You Loathsome Tonight?[/url]
Sanaleikki Elviksen biisitä [i]Are you lonesome tonight[/i]
Samannimisessä novellissa Elvis on myös aiheena.
Muokannut Eija (12.05.2020)
Adv. 8. A book published in the 20th century Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)
- Julkaisuvuosi 1994
13/50 Adv. 6/10
[Spoileri - klikkaa]
- Julkaisuvuosi 1994
13/50 Adv. 6/10
[Spoileri - klikkaa]
1. A book that's published in 2020 Camilla Sten: Kadonnut kylä
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author
3. A book with a great first line Robert Jordan: The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time #2)
4. A book about a book club
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics Hirotaka Kisaragi: Hanger #3
6. A bildungsroman
7. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover Sebastien de Castell: Shadowblack (Spellslinger #2)
9. A book with a map Robert Jordan: The Eye of the World, Book One of the The Wheel of Time
10. A book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club
11. An anthology
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it
14. A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name
15. A book about or involving social media Kate Davies: Syvään päähän
16. A book that has a book on the cover J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
17. A medical thriller
18. A book with a made-up language Robert Jordan: The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3)
19. A book set in a country beginning with "C"
20. A book you picked because the title caught your attention Jenny Colgan: Uusia lukuja ja onnellisia loppuja
21. A book published the month of your birthday
22. A book about or by a woman in STEM
23. A book that won an award in 2019
24. A book on a subject you know nothing about
25. A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
26. A book with a pun in the title
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins
28. A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character
29. A book with a bird on the cover
30. A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
31. A book with "gold," "silver," or "bronze" in the title
32. A book by a WOC
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads C.J. Sansom: Itsevaltias (Shardlake 3)
34. A book you meant to read in 2019 Jo Nesbo: Macbeth
35. A book with a three-word title Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #2
36. A book with a pink cover
37. A Western
38. A book by or about a journalist Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #1
39. Read a banned book during Banned Books Week
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge
1. A book written by an author in their 20s
2. A book with "20" or "twenty" in the title
3. A book with a character with a vision impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision) J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
4. A book set in the 1920s
5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics Yaya Sakuragi: Hide and Seek #1
6. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books Stephen King: Laitos
7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title Tony Moyle: The End of the World is Nigh
8. A book published in the 20th century Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)
9. A book from a series with more than 20 books
10. A book with a main character in their 20s Shungiku Nakamura: The World's Greatest First Love #1
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author
3. A book with a great first line Robert Jordan: The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time #2)
4. A book about a book club
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics Hirotaka Kisaragi: Hanger #3
6. A bildungsroman
7. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover Sebastien de Castell: Shadowblack (Spellslinger #2)
9. A book with a map Robert Jordan: The Eye of the World, Book One of the The Wheel of Time
10. A book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club
11. An anthology
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it
14. A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name
15. A book about or involving social media Kate Davies: Syvään päähän
16. A book that has a book on the cover J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
17. A medical thriller
18. A book with a made-up language Robert Jordan: The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3)
19. A book set in a country beginning with "C"
20. A book you picked because the title caught your attention Jenny Colgan: Uusia lukuja ja onnellisia loppuja
21. A book published the month of your birthday
22. A book about or by a woman in STEM
23. A book that won an award in 2019
24. A book on a subject you know nothing about
25. A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
26. A book with a pun in the title
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins
28. A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character
29. A book with a bird on the cover
30. A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
31. A book with "gold," "silver," or "bronze" in the title
32. A book by a WOC
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads C.J. Sansom: Itsevaltias (Shardlake 3)
34. A book you meant to read in 2019 Jo Nesbo: Macbeth
35. A book with a three-word title Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #2
36. A book with a pink cover
37. A Western
38. A book by or about a journalist Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #1
39. Read a banned book during Banned Books Week
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge
1. A book written by an author in their 20s
2. A book with "20" or "twenty" in the title
3. A book with a character with a vision impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision) J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
4. A book set in the 1920s
5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics Yaya Sakuragi: Hide and Seek #1
6. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books Stephen King: Laitos
7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title Tony Moyle: The End of the World is Nigh
8. A book published in the 20th century Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)
9. A book from a series with more than 20 books
10. A book with a main character in their 20s Shungiku Nakamura: The World's Greatest First Love #1
Adv. 8. A book published in the 20th century [url=https://www.risingshadow.net/library/book/367-lord-of-chaos][color=green]Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)[/color][/url]
- Julkaisuvuosi 1994
13/50 Adv. 6/10
[spoiler]1. A book that's published in 2020 [color=black]Camilla Sten: Kadonnut kylä[/color]
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author
3. A book with a great first line [color=black]Robert Jordan: The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time #2)[/color]
4. A book about a book club
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics [color=black]Hirotaka Kisaragi: Hanger #3[/color]
6. A bildungsroman
7. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover [color=black]Sebastien de Castell: Shadowblack (Spellslinger #2)[/color]
9. A book with a map [color=black]Robert Jordan: The Eye of the World, Book One of the The Wheel of Time[/color]
10. A book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club
11. An anthology
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it
14. A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name
15. A book about or involving social media [color=black]Kate Davies: Syvään päähän[/color]
16. A book that has a book on the cover[color=black] J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince[/color]
17. A medical thriller
18. A book with a made-up language [color=black]Robert Jordan: The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3)[/color]
19. A book set in a country beginning with "C"
20. A book you picked because the title caught your attention [color=black]Jenny Colgan: Uusia lukuja ja onnellisia loppuja[/color]
21. A book published the month of your birthday
22. A book about or by a woman in STEM
23. A book that won an award in 2019
24. A book on a subject you know nothing about
25. A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
26. A book with a pun in the title
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins
28. A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character
29. A book with a bird on the cover
30. A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
31. A book with "gold," "silver," or "bronze" in the title
32. A book by a WOC
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads[color=black] C.J. Sansom: Itsevaltias (Shardlake 3)[/color]
34. A book you meant to read in 2019 [color=black]Jo Nesbo: Macbeth[/color]
35. A book with a three-word title [color=black]Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #2
36. A book with a pink cover
37. A Western
38. A book by or about a journalist [color=black]Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #1[/color]
39. Read a banned book during Banned Books Week
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge
1. A book written by an author in their 20s
2. A book with "20" or "twenty" in the title
3. A book with a character with a vision impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision) J[color=black].K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows[/color]
4. A book set in the 1920s
5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics [color=black]Yaya Sakuragi: Hide and Seek #1[/color]
6. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books [color=black]Stephen King: Laitos[/color]
7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title [color=black]Tony Moyle: The End of the World is Nigh[/color]
8. A book published in the 20th century [color=black]Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)[/color]
9. A book from a series with more than 20 books
10. A book with a main character in their 20s[color=black] Shungiku Nakamura: The World's Greatest First Love #1[/color] [/spoiler]
10. A book recommended by your favourite blog, vlog, podcast or online book club Karen Joy Fowler: Olimme ihan suunniltamme
Suosikkikirjablogini Sivukirjasto ei valitettavasti ole enää toiminnassa, mutta se on edelleen luettavissa ja tykkään käydä siellä etsiskelemässä kiinnostavia kirjoja silloin tällöin. Blogin pitäjällä oli kiinnostava kirjamaku eikä hän kirjoittanut samoista trendikkäistä uutuuksista tai klassikoista kuin kaikki muut blogit (tuntuvat tekevän). Hänellä oli myös kivan lyhyt ja ytimekäs kirjoitustyyli. RIP Sivukirjasto, jään kaipaamaan.
Suosikkikirjablogini Sivukirjasto ei valitettavasti ole enää toiminnassa, mutta se on edelleen luettavissa ja tykkään käydä siellä etsiskelemässä kiinnostavia kirjoja silloin tällöin. Blogin pitäjällä oli kiinnostava kirjamaku eikä hän kirjoittanut samoista trendikkäistä uutuuksista tai klassikoista kuin kaikki muut blogit (tuntuvat tekevän). Hänellä oli myös kivan lyhyt ja ytimekäs kirjoitustyyli. RIP Sivukirjasto, jään kaipaamaan.
[b]10. A book recommended by your favourite blog, vlog, podcast or online book club[/b] Karen Joy Fowler: [i]Olimme ihan suunniltamme[/i]
Suosikkikirjablogini [i]Sivukirjasto[/i] ei valitettavasti ole enää toiminnassa, mutta se on edelleen luettavissa ja tykkään käydä siellä etsiskelemässä kiinnostavia kirjoja silloin tällöin. Blogin pitäjällä oli kiinnostava kirjamaku eikä hän kirjoittanut samoista trendikkäistä uutuuksista tai klassikoista kuin kaikki muut blogit (tuntuvat tekevän). Hänellä oli myös kivan lyhyt ja ytimekäs kirjoitustyyli. RIP [i]Sivukirjasto[/i], jään kaipaamaan.
11. An anthology Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson, Kelly Link & Robin Wasserman: Ghosts of the Shadow Market
- Samaan tapaan kuin Bane Chronicles aikanaan nämäkin tarinat julkaistiin alunperin vain nettiversioina. Antologian 10 tarinaa seuraavat kadonneen Herondale suvun jäsenen etsintää, mutta jokainen tarina valottaa hieman pääsarjoissa esiintyvien tapahtumien taustoja sekä pohjustavat tulevaa. Oma lempparini oli keskivaiheen The Land I Lost. Pääsääntöisesti, koska sen keskiössä ovat suosikkihahmoni Magnus ja Alec. (Tarina kertoo miten Rafaelista tulee kaksikon toinen lapsi.) Joskus leikittelen ajatuksella etten lukisi enää sarjaa eteenpäin, mutta joka vuosi löydän itseni uuden kirjan ääreltä...
14/50 Adv. 6/10
[Spoileri - klikkaa]
- Samaan tapaan kuin Bane Chronicles aikanaan nämäkin tarinat julkaistiin alunperin vain nettiversioina. Antologian 10 tarinaa seuraavat kadonneen Herondale suvun jäsenen etsintää, mutta jokainen tarina valottaa hieman pääsarjoissa esiintyvien tapahtumien taustoja sekä pohjustavat tulevaa. Oma lempparini oli keskivaiheen The Land I Lost. Pääsääntöisesti, koska sen keskiössä ovat suosikkihahmoni Magnus ja Alec. (Tarina kertoo miten Rafaelista tulee kaksikon toinen lapsi.) Joskus leikittelen ajatuksella etten lukisi enää sarjaa eteenpäin, mutta joka vuosi löydän itseni uuden kirjan ääreltä...
14/50 Adv. 6/10
[Spoileri - klikkaa]
1. A book that's published in 2020 Camilla Sten: Kadonnut kylä
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author
3. A book with a great first line Robert Jordan: The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time #2)
4. A book about a book club
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics Hirotaka Kisaragi: Hanger #3
6. A bildungsroman
7. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover Sebastien de Castell: Shadowblack (Spellslinger #2)
9. A book with a map Robert Jordan: The Eye of the World, Book One of the The Wheel of Time
10. A book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club
11. An anthology Clare, Brennan, Johnson, Link, Wasserman: Ghost of the Shadow Market
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it
14. A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name
15. A book about or involving social media Kate Davies: Syvään päähän
16. A book that has a book on the cover J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
17. A medical thriller
18. A book with a made-up language Robert Jordan: The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3)
19. A book set in a country beginning with "C"
20. A book you picked because the title caught your attention Jenny Colgan: Uusia lukuja ja onnellisia loppuja
21. A book published the month of your birthday
22. A book about or by a woman in STEM
23. A book that won an award in 2019
24. A book on a subject you know nothing about
25. A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
26. A book with a pun in the title
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins
28. A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character
29. A book with a bird on the cover
30. A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
31. A book with "gold," "silver," or "bronze" in the title
32. A book by a WOC
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads C.J. Sansom: Itsevaltias (Shardlake 3)
34. A book you meant to read in 2019 Jo Nesbo: Macbeth
35. A book with a three-word title Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #2
36. A book with a pink cover
37. A Western
38. A book by or about a journalist Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #1
39. Read a banned book during Banned Books Week
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge
1. A book written by an author in their 20s
2. A book with "20" or "twenty" in the title
3. A book with a character with a vision impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision) J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
4. A book set in the 1920s
5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics Yaya Sakuragi: Hide and Seek #1
6. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books Stephen King: Laitos
7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title Tony Moyle: The End of the World is Nigh
8. A book published in the 20th century Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)
9. A book from a series with more than 20 books
10. A book with a main character in their 20s Shungiku Nakamura: The World's Greatest First Love #1
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author
3. A book with a great first line Robert Jordan: The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time #2)
4. A book about a book club
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics Hirotaka Kisaragi: Hanger #3
6. A bildungsroman
7. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover Sebastien de Castell: Shadowblack (Spellslinger #2)
9. A book with a map Robert Jordan: The Eye of the World, Book One of the The Wheel of Time
10. A book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club
11. An anthology Clare, Brennan, Johnson, Link, Wasserman: Ghost of the Shadow Market
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it
14. A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name
15. A book about or involving social media Kate Davies: Syvään päähän
16. A book that has a book on the cover J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
17. A medical thriller
18. A book with a made-up language Robert Jordan: The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3)
19. A book set in a country beginning with "C"
20. A book you picked because the title caught your attention Jenny Colgan: Uusia lukuja ja onnellisia loppuja
21. A book published the month of your birthday
22. A book about or by a woman in STEM
23. A book that won an award in 2019
24. A book on a subject you know nothing about
25. A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
26. A book with a pun in the title
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins
28. A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character
29. A book with a bird on the cover
30. A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
31. A book with "gold," "silver," or "bronze" in the title
32. A book by a WOC
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads C.J. Sansom: Itsevaltias (Shardlake 3)
34. A book you meant to read in 2019 Jo Nesbo: Macbeth
35. A book with a three-word title Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #2
36. A book with a pink cover
37. A Western
38. A book by or about a journalist Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #1
39. Read a banned book during Banned Books Week
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge
1. A book written by an author in their 20s
2. A book with "20" or "twenty" in the title
3. A book with a character with a vision impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision) J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
4. A book set in the 1920s
5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics Yaya Sakuragi: Hide and Seek #1
6. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books Stephen King: Laitos
7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title Tony Moyle: The End of the World is Nigh
8. A book published in the 20th century Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)
9. A book from a series with more than 20 books
10. A book with a main character in their 20s Shungiku Nakamura: The World's Greatest First Love #1
11. An anthology [url=https://www.risingshadow.net/library/book/58213-ghosts-of-the-shadow-market][color=green]Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson, Kelly Link & Robin Wasserman: Ghosts of the Shadow Market[/color][/url]
- Samaan tapaan kuin Bane Chronicles aikanaan nämäkin tarinat julkaistiin alunperin vain nettiversioina. Antologian 10 tarinaa seuraavat kadonneen Herondale suvun jäsenen etsintää, mutta jokainen tarina valottaa hieman pääsarjoissa esiintyvien tapahtumien taustoja sekä pohjustavat tulevaa. Oma lempparini oli keskivaiheen The Land I Lost. Pääsääntöisesti, koska sen keskiössä ovat suosikkihahmoni Magnus ja Alec. (Tarina kertoo miten Rafaelista tulee kaksikon toinen lapsi.) Joskus leikittelen ajatuksella etten lukisi enää sarjaa eteenpäin, mutta joka vuosi löydän itseni uuden kirjan ääreltä...
14/50 Adv. 6/10
[spoiler]1. A book that's published in 2020 [color=black]Camilla Sten: Kadonnut kylä[/color]
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author
3. A book with a great first line [color=black]Robert Jordan: The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time #2)[/color]
4. A book about a book club
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics [color=black]Hirotaka Kisaragi: Hanger #3[/color]
6. A bildungsroman
7. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover [color=black]Sebastien de Castell: Shadowblack (Spellslinger #2)[/color]
9. A book with a map [color=black]Robert Jordan: The Eye of the World, Book One of the The Wheel of Time[/color]
10. A book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club
11. An anthology [color=black]Clare, Brennan, Johnson, Link, Wasserman: Ghost of the Shadow Market[/color]
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it
14. A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name
15. A book about or involving social media [color=black]Kate Davies: Syvään päähän[/color]
16. A book that has a book on the cover[color=black] J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince[/color]
17. A medical thriller
18. A book with a made-up language [color=black]Robert Jordan: The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3)[/color]
19. A book set in a country beginning with "C"
20. A book you picked because the title caught your attention [color=black]Jenny Colgan: Uusia lukuja ja onnellisia loppuja[/color]
21. A book published the month of your birthday
22. A book about or by a woman in STEM
23. A book that won an award in 2019
24. A book on a subject you know nothing about
25. A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
26. A book with a pun in the title
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins
28. A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character
29. A book with a bird on the cover
30. A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
31. A book with "gold," "silver," or "bronze" in the title
32. A book by a WOC
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads[color=black] C.J. Sansom: Itsevaltias (Shardlake 3)[/color]
34. A book you meant to read in 2019 [color=black]Jo Nesbo: Macbeth[/color]
35. A book with a three-word title [color=black]Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #2
36. A book with a pink cover
37. A Western
38. A book by or about a journalist [color=black]Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #1[/color]
39. Read a banned book during Banned Books Week
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge
1. A book written by an author in their 20s
2. A book with "20" or "twenty" in the title
3. A book with a character with a vision impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision) J[color=black].K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows[/color]
4. A book set in the 1920s
5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics [color=black]Yaya Sakuragi: Hide and Seek #1[/color]
6. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books [color=black]Stephen King: Laitos[/color]
7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title [color=black]Tony Moyle: The End of the World is Nigh[/color]
8. A book published in the 20th century [color=black]Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)[/color]
9. A book from a series with more than 20 books
10. A book with a main character in their 20s[color=black] Shungiku Nakamura: The World's Greatest First Love #1[/color] [/spoiler]
Advanced 5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics - Eduard Verkin: Sahalinin saari
Kirjan tapahtumat sijoittuvat enimmäkseen Japanin hallinnassa olevalle Sahalinille. Ydinsodan jälkeen Sahalin oli siirtynyt takaisin Japanin hallintaan Venäjältä. Siitä käytettiin kirjassa molempia nimiä Sahalin ja Karafuto. Varsinaisessa Japanissa oltiin vasta kirjan lopussa.
Post-apokalyptisessä maailmassa on kurjuutta olan takaa. Sahalin on lähinnä vankien ja entisten vankien ja pakolaisten asuttama vyöhyke, missä on omat tapansa. Tarinaa kertoo nuori futurologi Japanista, joka on tutustumassa Sahalinin oloihin. Kertojanaisen ääni tuntuu paikoin lakoniselta ja käytös jossain määrin tunteettomalta, mikä puolestaan on ristiriidassa hänen kulttuurin kiinnostuksensa kanssa. Sama fiilis jäi naisen venäläissyntyisestä saattaja miehestä, vaikka toisaalta kyllä heillä oli humanitaarista välittämistäkin toiminnoissaan. Hieman outo tunne jäi kokonaisuudesta. Kirjan loppupuoli veti paremmin ja lopetus oli hyvä. 4-
Kirjan tapahtumat sijoittuvat enimmäkseen Japanin hallinnassa olevalle Sahalinille. Ydinsodan jälkeen Sahalin oli siirtynyt takaisin Japanin hallintaan Venäjältä. Siitä käytettiin kirjassa molempia nimiä Sahalin ja Karafuto. Varsinaisessa Japanissa oltiin vasta kirjan lopussa.
Post-apokalyptisessä maailmassa on kurjuutta olan takaa. Sahalin on lähinnä vankien ja entisten vankien ja pakolaisten asuttama vyöhyke, missä on omat tapansa. Tarinaa kertoo nuori futurologi Japanista, joka on tutustumassa Sahalinin oloihin. Kertojanaisen ääni tuntuu paikoin lakoniselta ja käytös jossain määrin tunteettomalta, mikä puolestaan on ristiriidassa hänen kulttuurin kiinnostuksensa kanssa. Sama fiilis jäi naisen venäläissyntyisestä saattaja miehestä, vaikka toisaalta kyllä heillä oli humanitaarista välittämistäkin toiminnoissaan. Hieman outo tunne jäi kokonaisuudesta. Kirjan loppupuoli veti paremmin ja lopetus oli hyvä. 4-
Advanced 5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics - [url=https://www.risingshadow.fi/library/book/8656-sahalinin-saari]Eduard Verkin: Sahalinin saari[/url]
Kirjan tapahtumat sijoittuvat enimmäkseen Japanin hallinnassa olevalle Sahalinille. Ydinsodan jälkeen Sahalin oli siirtynyt takaisin Japanin hallintaan Venäjältä. Siitä käytettiin kirjassa molempia nimiä Sahalin ja Karafuto. Varsinaisessa Japanissa oltiin vasta kirjan lopussa.
Post-apokalyptisessä maailmassa on kurjuutta olan takaa. Sahalin on lähinnä vankien ja entisten vankien ja pakolaisten asuttama vyöhyke, missä on omat tapansa. Tarinaa kertoo nuori futurologi Japanista, joka on tutustumassa Sahalinin oloihin. Kertojanaisen ääni tuntuu paikoin lakoniselta ja käytös jossain määrin tunteettomalta, mikä puolestaan on ristiriidassa hänen kulttuurin kiinnostuksensa kanssa. Sama fiilis jäi naisen venäläissyntyisestä saattaja miehestä, vaikka toisaalta kyllä heillä oli humanitaarista välittämistäkin toiminnoissaan. Hieman outo tunne jäi kokonaisuudesta. Kirjan loppupuoli veti paremmin ja lopetus oli hyvä. 4-
Muokannut Eija (17.05.2020)
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover Kelly Link: Get in trouble


[b]8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover[/b] Kelly Link: [i]Get in trouble[/i]
[img size=200 ]https://www.blackgate.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Get-in-Trouble-Kelly-Link.jpg[/img]
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge: A book that's published in 2019 : J.R. Ward: Where Winter Finds You: A Caldwell Christmas (Black Dagger Brotherhood #17,5)
- Nämä "julkaistu tänä kuluvana vuonna" kohdat ovat helppoja kohtia, siksi myös mieleisiä. Where Winter Finds You julkaistiin siis marraskuussa 2019
15/50 Adv. 6/10
[Spoileri - klikkaa]
- Nämä "julkaistu tänä kuluvana vuonna" kohdat ovat helppoja kohtia, siksi myös mieleisiä. Where Winter Finds You julkaistiin siis marraskuussa 2019
15/50 Adv. 6/10
[Spoileri - klikkaa]
1. A book that's published in 2020 Camilla Sten: Kadonnut kylä
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author
3. A book with a great first line Robert Jordan: The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time #2)
4. A book about a book club
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics Hirotaka Kisaragi: Hanger #3
6. A bildungsroman
7. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover Sebastien de Castell: Shadowblack (Spellslinger #2)
9. A book with a map Robert Jordan: The Eye of the World, Book One of the The Wheel of Time
10. A book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club
11. An anthology Clare, Brennan, Johnson, Link, Wasserman: Ghosts of the Shadow Market
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it
14. A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name
15. A book about or involving social media Kate Davies: Syvään päähän
16. A book that has a book on the cover J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
17. A medical thriller
18. A book with a made-up language Robert Jordan: The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3)
19. A book set in a country beginning with "C"
20. A book you picked because the title caught your attention Jenny Colgan: Uusia lukuja ja onnellisia loppuja
21. A book published the month of your birthday
22. A book about or by a woman in STEM
23. A book that won an award in 2019
24. A book on a subject you know nothing about
25. A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
26. A book with a pun in the title
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins
28. A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character
29. A book with a bird on the cover
30. A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
31. A book with "gold," "silver," or "bronze" in the title
32. A book by a WOC
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads C.J. Sansom: Itsevaltias (Shardlake 3)
34. A book you meant to read in 2019 Jo Nesbo: Macbeth
35. A book with a three-word title Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #2
36. A book with a pink cover
37. A Western
38. A book by or about a journalist Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #1
39. Read a banned book during Banned Books Week
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge J.R. Ward: Where Winter Finds You: A Caldwell Christmas (BDB#17,5)
1. A book written by an author in their 20s
2. A book with "20" or "twenty" in the title
3. A book with a character with a vision impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision) J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
4. A book set in the 1920s
5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics Yaya Sakuragi: Hide and Seek #1
6. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books Stephen King: Laitos
7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title Tony Moyle: The End of the World is Nigh
8. A book published in the 20th century Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)
9. A book from a series with more than 20 books
10. A book with a main character in their 20s Shungiku Nakamura: The World's Greatest First Love #1
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author
3. A book with a great first line Robert Jordan: The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time #2)
4. A book about a book club
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics Hirotaka Kisaragi: Hanger #3
6. A bildungsroman
7. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover Sebastien de Castell: Shadowblack (Spellslinger #2)
9. A book with a map Robert Jordan: The Eye of the World, Book One of the The Wheel of Time
10. A book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club
11. An anthology Clare, Brennan, Johnson, Link, Wasserman: Ghosts of the Shadow Market
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it
14. A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name
15. A book about or involving social media Kate Davies: Syvään päähän
16. A book that has a book on the cover J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
17. A medical thriller
18. A book with a made-up language Robert Jordan: The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3)
19. A book set in a country beginning with "C"
20. A book you picked because the title caught your attention Jenny Colgan: Uusia lukuja ja onnellisia loppuja
21. A book published the month of your birthday
22. A book about or by a woman in STEM
23. A book that won an award in 2019
24. A book on a subject you know nothing about
25. A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
26. A book with a pun in the title
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins
28. A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character
29. A book with a bird on the cover
30. A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
31. A book with "gold," "silver," or "bronze" in the title
32. A book by a WOC
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads C.J. Sansom: Itsevaltias (Shardlake 3)
34. A book you meant to read in 2019 Jo Nesbo: Macbeth
35. A book with a three-word title Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #2
36. A book with a pink cover
37. A Western
38. A book by or about a journalist Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #1
39. Read a banned book during Banned Books Week
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge J.R. Ward: Where Winter Finds You: A Caldwell Christmas (BDB#17,5)
1. A book written by an author in their 20s
2. A book with "20" or "twenty" in the title
3. A book with a character with a vision impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision) J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
4. A book set in the 1920s
5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics Yaya Sakuragi: Hide and Seek #1
6. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books Stephen King: Laitos
7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title Tony Moyle: The End of the World is Nigh
8. A book published in the 20th century Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)
9. A book from a series with more than 20 books
10. A book with a main character in their 20s Shungiku Nakamura: The World's Greatest First Love #1
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge: [i] A book that's published in 2019 :[/i] [url=https://www.risingshadow.net/library/book/59414-where-winter-finds-you-a-caldwell-christmas][color=green]J.R. Ward: Where Winter Finds You: A Caldwell Christmas (Black Dagger Brotherhood #17,5)[/color][/url]
- Nämä "julkaistu tänä kuluvana vuonna" kohdat ovat helppoja kohtia, siksi myös mieleisiä. Where Winter Finds You julkaistiin siis marraskuussa 2019
15/50 Adv. 6/10
[spoiler]1. A book that's published in 2020 [color=black]Camilla Sten: Kadonnut kylä[/color]
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author
3. A book with a great first line [color=black]Robert Jordan: The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time #2)[/color]
4. A book about a book club
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics [color=black]Hirotaka Kisaragi: Hanger #3[/color]
6. A bildungsroman
7. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover [color=black]Sebastien de Castell: Shadowblack (Spellslinger #2)[/color]
9. A book with a map [color=black]Robert Jordan: The Eye of the World, Book One of the The Wheel of Time[/color]
10. A book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club
11. An anthology [color=black]Clare, Brennan, Johnson, Link, Wasserman: Ghosts of the Shadow Market[/color]
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it
14. A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name
15. A book about or involving social media [color=black]Kate Davies: Syvään päähän[/color]
16. A book that has a book on the cover[color=black] J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince[/color]
17. A medical thriller
18. A book with a made-up language [color=black]Robert Jordan: The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3)[/color]
19. A book set in a country beginning with "C"
20. A book you picked because the title caught your attention [color=black]Jenny Colgan: Uusia lukuja ja onnellisia loppuja[/color]
21. A book published the month of your birthday
22. A book about or by a woman in STEM
23. A book that won an award in 2019
24. A book on a subject you know nothing about
25. A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
26. A book with a pun in the title
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins
28. A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character
29. A book with a bird on the cover
30. A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
31. A book with "gold," "silver," or "bronze" in the title
32. A book by a WOC
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads[color=black] C.J. Sansom: Itsevaltias (Shardlake 3)[/color]
34. A book you meant to read in 2019 [color=black]Jo Nesbo: Macbeth[/color]
35. A book with a three-word title [color=black]Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #2
36. A book with a pink cover
37. A Western
38. A book by or about a journalist [color=black]Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #1[/color]
39. Read a banned book during Banned Books Week
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge [color=black]J.R. Ward: Where Winter Finds You: A Caldwell Christmas (BDB#17,5)[/color]
1. A book written by an author in their 20s
2. A book with "20" or "twenty" in the title
3. A book with a character with a vision impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision) [color=black]J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows[/color]
4. A book set in the 1920s
5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics [color=black]Yaya Sakuragi: Hide and Seek #1[/color]
6. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books [color=black]Stephen King: Laitos[/color]
7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title [color=black]Tony Moyle: The End of the World is Nigh[/color]
8. A book published in the 20th century [color=black]Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)[/color]
9. A book from a series with more than 20 books
10. A book with a main character in their 20s[color=black] Shungiku Nakamura: The World's Greatest First Love #1[/color] [/spoiler]
Muokannut HourglassEyes (17.05.2020)
36. A book with a pink cover - [url=https://www.risingshadow.fi/library/book/8700-armonvuosi]Kim Liggett: Armonvuosi[/url]
Ei paljon pinkimpi voisi olla.
Muokannut Eija (23.05.2020)
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins Milja Kaunisto: Synnintekijä
- Nimikin sen kertoo, että syntiä kansien välistä löytyy. Tässä tapauksessa paino lienee Himo/Haureus kohdassa, kun Olavi Maununpoika opiskelee Pariisissa 1452, jossa houkutuksia löytyy yllin kyllin vastavihitylle papillekin.
16/50 Adv. 6/10
[Spoileri - klikkaa]
- Nimikin sen kertoo, että syntiä kansien välistä löytyy. Tässä tapauksessa paino lienee Himo/Haureus kohdassa, kun Olavi Maununpoika opiskelee Pariisissa 1452, jossa houkutuksia löytyy yllin kyllin vastavihitylle papillekin.
16/50 Adv. 6/10
[Spoileri - klikkaa]
1. A book that's published in 2020 Camilla Sten: Kadonnut kylä
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author
3. A book with a great first line Robert Jordan: The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time #2)
4. A book about a book club
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics Hirotaka Kisaragi: Hanger #3
6. A bildungsroman
7. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover Sebastien de Castell: Shadowblack (Spellslinger #2)
9. A book with a map Robert Jordan: The Eye of the World, Book One of the The Wheel of Time
10. A book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club
11. An anthology Clare, Brennan, Johnson, Link, Wasserman: Ghosts of the Shadow Market
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it
14. A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name
15. A book about or involving social media Kate Davies: Syvään päähän
16. A book that has a book on the cover J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
17. A medical thriller
18. A book with a made-up language Robert Jordan: The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3)
19. A book set in a country beginning with "C"
20. A book you picked because the title caught your attention Jenny Colgan: Uusia lukuja ja onnellisia loppuja
21. A book published the month of your birthday
22. A book about or by a woman in STEM
23. A book that won an award in 2019
24. A book on a subject you know nothing about
25. A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
26. A book with a pun in the title
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins Milja Kaunisto: Synnintekijä
28. A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character
29. A book with a bird on the cover
30. A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
31. A book with "gold," "silver," or "bronze" in the title
32. A book by a WOC
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads C.J. Sansom: Itsevaltias (Shardlake 3)
34. A book you meant to read in 2019 Jo Nesbo: Macbeth
35. A book with a three-word title Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #2
36. A book with a pink cover
37. A Western
38. A book by or about a journalist Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #1
39. Read a banned book during Banned Books Week
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge J.R. Ward: Where Winter Finds You: A Caldwell Christmas (BDB#17,5)
1. A book written by an author in their 20s
2. A book with "20" or "twenty" in the title
3. A book with a character with a vision impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision) J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
4. A book set in the 1920s
5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics Yaya Sakuragi: Hide and Seek #1
6. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books Stephen King: Laitos
7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title Tony Moyle: The End of the World is Nigh
8. A book published in the 20th century Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)
9. A book from a series with more than 20 books
10. A book with a main character in their 20s Shungiku Nakamura: The World's Greatest First Love #1
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author
3. A book with a great first line Robert Jordan: The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time #2)
4. A book about a book club
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics Hirotaka Kisaragi: Hanger #3
6. A bildungsroman
7. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover Sebastien de Castell: Shadowblack (Spellslinger #2)
9. A book with a map Robert Jordan: The Eye of the World, Book One of the The Wheel of Time
10. A book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club
11. An anthology Clare, Brennan, Johnson, Link, Wasserman: Ghosts of the Shadow Market
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it
14. A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name
15. A book about or involving social media Kate Davies: Syvään päähän
16. A book that has a book on the cover J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
17. A medical thriller
18. A book with a made-up language Robert Jordan: The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3)
19. A book set in a country beginning with "C"
20. A book you picked because the title caught your attention Jenny Colgan: Uusia lukuja ja onnellisia loppuja
21. A book published the month of your birthday
22. A book about or by a woman in STEM
23. A book that won an award in 2019
24. A book on a subject you know nothing about
25. A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
26. A book with a pun in the title
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins Milja Kaunisto: Synnintekijä
28. A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character
29. A book with a bird on the cover
30. A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
31. A book with "gold," "silver," or "bronze" in the title
32. A book by a WOC
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads C.J. Sansom: Itsevaltias (Shardlake 3)
34. A book you meant to read in 2019 Jo Nesbo: Macbeth
35. A book with a three-word title Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #2
36. A book with a pink cover
37. A Western
38. A book by or about a journalist Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #1
39. Read a banned book during Banned Books Week
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge J.R. Ward: Where Winter Finds You: A Caldwell Christmas (BDB#17,5)
1. A book written by an author in their 20s
2. A book with "20" or "twenty" in the title
3. A book with a character with a vision impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision) J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
4. A book set in the 1920s
5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics Yaya Sakuragi: Hide and Seek #1
6. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books Stephen King: Laitos
7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title Tony Moyle: The End of the World is Nigh
8. A book published in the 20th century Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)
9. A book from a series with more than 20 books
10. A book with a main character in their 20s Shungiku Nakamura: The World's Greatest First Love #1
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins [color=green]Milja Kaunisto: Synnintekijä[/color]
- Nimikin sen kertoo, että syntiä kansien välistä löytyy. Tässä tapauksessa paino lienee Himo/Haureus kohdassa, kun Olavi Maununpoika opiskelee Pariisissa 1452, jossa houkutuksia löytyy yllin kyllin vastavihitylle papillekin.
16/50 Adv. 6/10
[spoiler]1. A book that's published in 2020 [color=black]Camilla Sten: Kadonnut kylä[/color]
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author
3. A book with a great first line [color=black]Robert Jordan: The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time #2)[/color]
4. A book about a book club
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics [color=black]Hirotaka Kisaragi: Hanger #3[/color]
6. A bildungsroman
7. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover [color=black]Sebastien de Castell: Shadowblack (Spellslinger #2)[/color]
9. A book with a map [color=black]Robert Jordan: The Eye of the World, Book One of the The Wheel of Time[/color]
10. A book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club
11. An anthology [color=black]Clare, Brennan, Johnson, Link, Wasserman: Ghosts of the Shadow Market[/color]
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it
14. A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name
15. A book about or involving social media [color=black]Kate Davies: Syvään päähän[/color]
16. A book that has a book on the cover[color=black] J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince[/color]
17. A medical thriller
18. A book with a made-up language [color=black]Robert Jordan: The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3)[/color]
19. A book set in a country beginning with "C"
20. A book you picked because the title caught your attention [color=black]Jenny Colgan: Uusia lukuja ja onnellisia loppuja[/color]
21. A book published the month of your birthday
22. A book about or by a woman in STEM
23. A book that won an award in 2019
24. A book on a subject you know nothing about
25. A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
26. A book with a pun in the title
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins [color=black]Milja Kaunisto: Synnintekijä[/color]
28. A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character
29. A book with a bird on the cover
30. A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
31. A book with "gold," "silver," or "bronze" in the title
32. A book by a WOC
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads[color=black] C.J. Sansom: Itsevaltias (Shardlake 3)[/color]
34. A book you meant to read in 2019 [color=black]Jo Nesbo: Macbeth[/color]
35. A book with a three-word title [color=black]Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #2
36. A book with a pink cover
37. A Western
38. A book by or about a journalist [color=black]Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #1[/color]
39. Read a banned book during Banned Books Week
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge [color=black]J.R. Ward: Where Winter Finds You: A Caldwell Christmas (BDB#17,5)[/color]
1. A book written by an author in their 20s
2. A book with "20" or "twenty" in the title
3. A book with a character with a vision impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision) [color=black]J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows[/color]
4. A book set in the 1920s
5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics [color=black]Yaya Sakuragi: Hide and Seek #1[/color]
6. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books [color=black]Stephen King: Laitos[/color]
7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title [color=black]Tony Moyle: The End of the World is Nigh[/color]
8. A book published in the 20th century [color=black]Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)[/color]
9. A book from a series with more than 20 books
10. A book with a main character in their 20s[color=black] Shungiku Nakamura: The World's Greatest First Love #1[/color] [/spoiler]
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test Cassandra Clare: City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments #2)
- Sarjassa on paljonkin (voimakkaita) naishahmoja, jotka puhuvat muustakin kuin miehistä.
17/50 Adv. 6/10
[Spoileri - klikkaa]
- Sarjassa on paljonkin (voimakkaita) naishahmoja, jotka puhuvat muustakin kuin miehistä.
17/50 Adv. 6/10
[Spoileri - klikkaa]
1. A book that's published in 2020 Camilla Sten: Kadonnut kylä
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author
3. A book with a great first line Robert Jordan: The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time #2)
4. A book about a book club
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics Hirotaka Kisaragi: Hanger #3
6. A bildungsroman
7. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover Sebastien de Castell: Shadowblack (Spellslinger #2)
9. A book with a map Robert Jordan: The Eye of the World, Book One of the The Wheel of Time
10. A book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club
11. An anthology Clare, Brennan, Johnson, Link, Wasserman: Ghosts of the Shadow Market
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test Cassandra Clare: City of Ashes (MI#2)
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it
14. A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name
15. A book about or involving social media Kate Davies: Syvään päähän
16. A book that has a book on the cover J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
17. A medical thriller
18. A book with a made-up language Robert Jordan: The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3)
19. A book set in a country beginning with "C"
20. A book you picked because the title caught your attention Jenny Colgan: Uusia lukuja ja onnellisia loppuja
21. A book published the month of your birthday
22. A book about or by a woman in STEM
23. A book that won an award in 2019
24. A book on a subject you know nothing about
25. A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
26. A book with a pun in the title
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins Milja Kaunisto: Synnintekijä
28. A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character
29. A book with a bird on the cover
30. A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
31. A book with "gold," "silver," or "bronze" in the title
32. A book by a WOC
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads C.J. Sansom: Itsevaltias (Shardlake 3)
34. A book you meant to read in 2019 Jo Nesbo: Macbeth
35. A book with a three-word title Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #2
36. A book with a pink cover
37. A Western
38. A book by or about a journalist Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #1
39. Read a banned book during Banned Books Week
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge J.R. Ward: Where Winter Finds You: A Caldwell Christmas (BDB#17,5)
1. A book written by an author in their 20s
2. A book with "20" or "twenty" in the title
3. A book with a character with a vision impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision) J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
4. A book set in the 1920s
5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics Yaya Sakuragi: Hide and Seek #1
6. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books Stephen King: Laitos
7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title Tony Moyle: The End of the World is Nigh
8. A book published in the 20th century Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)
9. A book from a series with more than 20 books
10. A book with a main character in their 20s Shungiku Nakamura: The World's Greatest First Love #1
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author
3. A book with a great first line Robert Jordan: The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time #2)
4. A book about a book club
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics Hirotaka Kisaragi: Hanger #3
6. A bildungsroman
7. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover Sebastien de Castell: Shadowblack (Spellslinger #2)
9. A book with a map Robert Jordan: The Eye of the World, Book One of the The Wheel of Time
10. A book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club
11. An anthology Clare, Brennan, Johnson, Link, Wasserman: Ghosts of the Shadow Market
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test Cassandra Clare: City of Ashes (MI#2)
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it
14. A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name
15. A book about or involving social media Kate Davies: Syvään päähän
16. A book that has a book on the cover J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
17. A medical thriller
18. A book with a made-up language Robert Jordan: The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3)
19. A book set in a country beginning with "C"
20. A book you picked because the title caught your attention Jenny Colgan: Uusia lukuja ja onnellisia loppuja
21. A book published the month of your birthday
22. A book about or by a woman in STEM
23. A book that won an award in 2019
24. A book on a subject you know nothing about
25. A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
26. A book with a pun in the title
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins Milja Kaunisto: Synnintekijä
28. A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character
29. A book with a bird on the cover
30. A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
31. A book with "gold," "silver," or "bronze" in the title
32. A book by a WOC
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads C.J. Sansom: Itsevaltias (Shardlake 3)
34. A book you meant to read in 2019 Jo Nesbo: Macbeth
35. A book with a three-word title Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #2
36. A book with a pink cover
37. A Western
38. A book by or about a journalist Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #1
39. Read a banned book during Banned Books Week
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge J.R. Ward: Where Winter Finds You: A Caldwell Christmas (BDB#17,5)
1. A book written by an author in their 20s
2. A book with "20" or "twenty" in the title
3. A book with a character with a vision impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision) J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
4. A book set in the 1920s
5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics Yaya Sakuragi: Hide and Seek #1
6. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books Stephen King: Laitos
7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title Tony Moyle: The End of the World is Nigh
8. A book published in the 20th century Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)
9. A book from a series with more than 20 books
10. A book with a main character in their 20s Shungiku Nakamura: The World's Greatest First Love #1
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test [url=https://www.risingshadow.net/library/book/6427-city-of-ashes][color=green]Cassandra Clare: City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments #2)[/color][/url]
- Sarjassa on paljonkin (voimakkaita) naishahmoja, jotka puhuvat muustakin kuin miehistä.
17/50 Adv. 6/10
[spoiler]1. A book that's published in 2020 [color=black]Camilla Sten: Kadonnut kylä[/color]
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author
3. A book with a great first line [color=black]Robert Jordan: The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time #2)[/color]
4. A book about a book club
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics [color=black]Hirotaka Kisaragi: Hanger #3[/color]
6. A bildungsroman
7. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover [color=black]Sebastien de Castell: Shadowblack (Spellslinger #2)[/color]
9. A book with a map [color=black]Robert Jordan: The Eye of the World, Book One of the The Wheel of Time[/color]
10. A book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club
11. An anthology [color=black]Clare, Brennan, Johnson, Link, Wasserman: Ghosts of the Shadow Market[/color]
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test [color=black]Cassandra Clare: City of Ashes (MI#2)[/color]
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it
14. A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name
15. A book about or involving social media [color=black]Kate Davies: Syvään päähän[/color]
16. A book that has a book on the cover[color=black] J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince[/color]
17. A medical thriller
18. A book with a made-up language [color=black]Robert Jordan: The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3)[/color]
19. A book set in a country beginning with "C"
20. A book you picked because the title caught your attention [color=black]Jenny Colgan: Uusia lukuja ja onnellisia loppuja[/color]
21. A book published the month of your birthday
22. A book about or by a woman in STEM
23. A book that won an award in 2019
24. A book on a subject you know nothing about
25. A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
26. A book with a pun in the title
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins [color=black]Milja Kaunisto: Synnintekijä[/color]
28. A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character
29. A book with a bird on the cover
30. A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
31. A book with "gold," "silver," or "bronze" in the title
32. A book by a WOC
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads[color=black] C.J. Sansom: Itsevaltias (Shardlake 3)[/color]
34. A book you meant to read in 2019 [color=black]Jo Nesbo: Macbeth[/color]
35. A book with a three-word title [color=black]Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #2
36. A book with a pink cover
37. A Western
38. A book by or about a journalist [color=black]Isaku Natsume: Candy Color Paradox #1[/color]
39. Read a banned book during Banned Books Week
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge [color=black]J.R. Ward: Where Winter Finds You: A Caldwell Christmas (BDB#17,5)[/color]
1. A book written by an author in their 20s
2. A book with "20" or "twenty" in the title
3. A book with a character with a vision impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision) [color=black]J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows[/color]
4. A book set in the 1920s
5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics [color=black]Yaya Sakuragi: Hide and Seek #1[/color]
6. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books [color=black]Stephen King: Laitos[/color]
7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title [color=black]Tony Moyle: The End of the World is Nigh[/color]
8. A book published in the 20th century [color=black]Robert Jordan: Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time#6)[/color]
9. A book from a series with more than 20 books
10. A book with a main character in their 20s[color=black] Shungiku Nakamura: The World's Greatest First Love #1[/color] [/spoiler]
1. A book that's published in 2020 - [url=https://www.risingshadow.fi/library/book/8699-punainen-piano]Josh Malerman: Punainen piano[/url]
Suomennos tältä vuodelta.
Muokannut Eija (26.05.2020)
11. An anthology - Neuvostokirjailijain tieteiskertomuksia – Maxwellin yhtälöt
Kokoelmassa on viisi novellia viideltä neuvostoliittolaiselta kirjailijalta.
Kokoelmassa on viisi novellia viideltä neuvostoliittolaiselta kirjailijalta.
11. An anthology - [url=https://www.risingshadow.fi/library/book/1981-neuvostokirjailijain-tieteiskertomuksia--maxwellin-yhtalot]Neuvostokirjailijain tieteiskertomuksia – Maxwellin yhtälöt[/url]
Kokoelmassa on viisi novellia viideltä neuvostoliittolaiselta kirjailijalta.
Muokannut Eija (27.05.2020)
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads - Neil Gaiman, Chris Riddell: Onneksi oli maitoa
Täpärälle meni. Goodreadsissä keskiarvo 4.06 tähteä.
Täpärälle meni. Goodreadsissä keskiarvo 4.06 tähteä.
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads - [url=https://www.risingshadow.fi/library/book/8125-onneksi-oli-maitoa]Neil Gaiman, Chris Riddell: Onneksi oli maitoa[/url]
Täpärälle meni. Goodreadsissä keskiarvo 4.06 tähteä.
Muokannut Eija (16.06.2020)
23. A book that won an award in 2019 Hallie Rubenhold: Viisi - Viiltäjä-Jackin tuntemattomat uhrit
Sai parhaan historia & elämäkertakirjan palkinnon viime vuoden Goodreads Choise Awardseissa sekä The Baillie Gifford -palkinnon parhaasta tietokirjasta.
Sai parhaan historia & elämäkertakirjan palkinnon viime vuoden Goodreads Choise Awardseissa sekä The Baillie Gifford -palkinnon parhaasta tietokirjasta.
[b]23. A book that won an award in 2019[/b] Hallie Rubenhold: [i]Viisi - Viiltäjä-Jackin tuntemattomat uhrit[/i]
Sai parhaan historia & elämäkertakirjan palkinnon viime vuoden Goodreads Choise Awardseissa sekä The Baillie Gifford -palkinnon parhaasta tietokirjasta.
26. A book with a pun in the title Christopher Moore: The serpent of Venice
Tämä on eräänlainen huumorifantasia/parodiaversio Shakespearen Venetsian kauppiaasta, joka siis on alkukielellä nimeltään The merchant of Venice. Ei mikään häikäisevä sanaleikki, myönnän, mutten parempaankaan pystynyt tähän hätään.
Tämä on eräänlainen huumorifantasia/parodiaversio Shakespearen Venetsian kauppiaasta, joka siis on alkukielellä nimeltään The merchant of Venice. Ei mikään häikäisevä sanaleikki, myönnän, mutten parempaankaan pystynyt tähän hätään.
[b]26. A book with a pun in the title[/b] Christopher Moore: [i]The serpent of Venice[/i]
Tämä on eräänlainen huumorifantasia/parodiaversio Shakespearen [i]Venetsian kauppiaasta[/i], joka siis on alkukielellä nimeltään [i]The merchant of Venice[/i]. Ei mikään häikäisevä sanaleikki, myönnän, mutten parempaankaan pystynyt tähän hätään.
15. A book about or involving social media Shaun Bythell: Confessions of a bookseller
Kirjassa kuvaillaan aina silloin tällöin minkälaisia päivityksiä Bythellin kaupan Facebook-sivuille tehdään. Yleensä osa-aikainen kauppa-apulainen kirjoittaa sarkastisia kommentteja työnantajastaan ja kaupan asiakkaista.
Kirjassa kuvaillaan aina silloin tällöin minkälaisia päivityksiä Bythellin kaupan Facebook-sivuille tehdään. Yleensä osa-aikainen kauppa-apulainen kirjoittaa sarkastisia kommentteja työnantajastaan ja kaupan asiakkaista.
[b]15. A book about or involving social media[/b] Shaun Bythell: [i]Confessions of a bookseller[/i]
Kirjassa kuvaillaan aina silloin tällöin minkälaisia päivityksiä Bythellin kaupan Facebook-sivuille tehdään. Yleensä osa-aikainen kauppa-apulainen kirjoittaa sarkastisia kommentteja työnantajastaan ja kaupan asiakkaista.
47. A book with more than 20 letters in its title Stuart Heritage: Bedtime stories for worried liberals
32 kirjainta.
32 kirjainta.
[b]47. A book with more than 20 letters in its title[/b] Stuart Heritage: [i]Bedtime stories for worried liberals[/i]
32 kirjainta.
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test - Rebecca Alexander: Elämän ja kuoleman salaisuudet
Keskustelupareja ainakin Jack ja Sadie, Jack ja Maggie, Sadie/Jack ja Erzsébet Báthory inkarnaatio… ja siis Jack on nainen (Jack on lyhenne nimestä Jackdaw) ja näiden keskustelujen aiheena ei ole mies.
Keskustelupareja ainakin Jack ja Sadie, Jack ja Maggie, Sadie/Jack ja Erzsébet Báthory inkarnaatio… ja siis Jack on nainen (Jack on lyhenne nimestä Jackdaw) ja näiden keskustelujen aiheena ei ole mies.
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test - [url=https://www.risingshadow.fi/library/book/7173-elaman-ja-kuoleman-salaisuudet] Rebecca Alexander: Elämän ja kuoleman salaisuudet[/url]
Keskustelupareja ainakin Jack ja Sadie, Jack ja Maggie, Sadie/Jack ja Erzsébet Báthory inkarnaatio… ja siis Jack on nainen (Jack on lyhenne nimestä Jackdaw) ja näiden keskustelujen aiheena ei ole mies.
Muokannut Eija (22.06.2020)
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it - John Crowley: The Deep
Syvyyden saalistajat (The Deep) on elokuva vuodelta 1977. Merten syvyyksissä (The Deep) on animoitu televisiosarja vuodelta 2015. Kummallakaan ei ole tekemistä tämän kirjan kanssa.
Syvyyden saalistajat (The Deep) on elokuva vuodelta 1977. Merten syvyyksissä (The Deep) on animoitu televisiosarja vuodelta 2015. Kummallakaan ei ole tekemistä tämän kirjan kanssa.
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it - [url=https://www.risingshadow.net/library/book/1571-the-deep]John Crowley: The Deep[/url]
Syvyyden saalistajat (The Deep) on elokuva vuodelta 1977. Merten syvyyksissä (The Deep) on animoitu televisiosarja vuodelta 2015. Kummallakaan ei ole tekemistä tämän kirjan kanssa.
Muokannut Eija (23.06.2020)
42. A book with ”20” or ”twenty” in the title Anne Perry: Twenty-one days
Tähän kohtaan olikin haastavaa löytää kirjaa. Päädyin tähän, koska olen ollut kiinnostunut koklaamaan Perryn historiallisia dekkareita siitä lähtien kun näin elokuvan Heavenly creatures. Ei se kyllä tehnyt kovin suurta vaikutusta, enkä usko että ainakan kovin pian tulen lukemaan lisää hänen teoksiaan.
Tähän kohtaan olikin haastavaa löytää kirjaa. Päädyin tähän, koska olen ollut kiinnostunut koklaamaan Perryn historiallisia dekkareita siitä lähtien kun näin elokuvan Heavenly creatures. Ei se kyllä tehnyt kovin suurta vaikutusta, enkä usko että ainakan kovin pian tulen lukemaan lisää hänen teoksiaan.
[b]42. A book with ”20” or ”twenty” in the title[/b] Anne Perry: [i]Twenty-one days[/i]
Tähän kohtaan olikin haastavaa löytää kirjaa. Päädyin tähän, koska olen ollut kiinnostunut koklaamaan Perryn historiallisia dekkareita siitä lähtien kun näin elokuvan [i]Heavenly creatures[/i]. Ei se kyllä tehnyt kovin suurta vaikutusta, enkä usko että ainakan kovin pian tulen lukemaan lisää hänen teoksiaan.
Advanced 7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title - Annukka ja Samuli Aikio: Tyttö joka muuttui kultaiseksi koskeloksi
37 kirjainta
37 kirjainta
Advanced 7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title - [color=black]Annukka ja Samuli Aikio: Tyttö joka muuttui kultaiseksi koskeloksi[/color]
37 kirjainta
Muokannut Eija (24.06.2020)
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics - V. E. Schwab: Loihdittu valkeus
Tapahtumat sijoittuvat Lontooseen, missä on myös olympialaisia kisattu.
Tapahtumat sijoittuvat Lontooseen, missä on myös olympialaisia kisattu.
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics - [url=https://www.risingshadow.fi/library/book/8698-loihdittu-valkeus]V. E. Schwab: Loihdittu valkeus[/url]
Tapahtumat sijoittuvat Lontooseen, missä on myös olympialaisia kisattu.
Muokannut Eija (01.07.2020)
32. A book by a WOC Michelle Obama: Becoming
Ei varmaan tarvitse enempiä selittelyjä.
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author Steven Appleby: Dragman
Kirjan lopussa on osio, jossa Appleby kertoo itsestään, miten hän alkoi salaa pukeutua naisten vaatteisiin nuorena, mutta uskalsi lopettaa salailun vasta internetin yleistyttyä. Silloin hän huomasi, että oli muitakin hänen kaltaisiaan.
Ei varmaan tarvitse enempiä selittelyjä.
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author Steven Appleby: Dragman
Kirjan lopussa on osio, jossa Appleby kertoo itsestään, miten hän alkoi salaa pukeutua naisten vaatteisiin nuorena, mutta uskalsi lopettaa salailun vasta internetin yleistyttyä. Silloin hän huomasi, että oli muitakin hänen kaltaisiaan.
[b]32. A book by a WOC[/b] Michelle Obama: [i]Becoming[/i]
Ei varmaan tarvitse enempiä selittelyjä.
[b]2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author[/b] Steven Appleby: [i]Dragman[/i]
Kirjan lopussa on osio, jossa Appleby kertoo itsestään, miten hän alkoi salaa pukeutua naisten vaatteisiin nuorena, mutta uskalsi lopettaa salailun vasta internetin yleistyttyä. Silloin hän huomasi, että oli muitakin hänen kaltaisiaan.
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- Lukuhaaste: Popsugar 2020